2023 Annual Business Meeting
Sunday, November 19

Moving Forward Together

We will hold our Annual Business Meeting (see our church constitution, article 6 section 2a) during our Sunday worship services on November 19, 2023. This year, the items we will vote on at the Annual Business Meeting will include the 2024 proposed church budget, church officers (treasurer, financial secretary, and church clerk), and elder & deacon candidates. We had a Q&A forum on Sunday, November 5 at 4:00p in the Auditorium to discuss all of these matters together as a church family. This session was recorded for those unable to attend and is linked below, as is a brochure with brief biographies and photos. Longer biographies can be accessed in the expandable menus below.

Proposed Budget and Elder/Deacon Candidate Forum Recording
Elder & Deacon Candidates Brief Biographical Brochure

Continue to check this page for more information as it becomes available.

Elder Candidates

We’ll vote to affirm the calling of elder candidates.


Deacon Candidates

We’ll vote to affirm the calling of deacon candidates.


2024 Proposed Budget

We’ll vote to approve the 2024 Proposed Budget. Paper copies are available in Connection Central.

Total Proposed Budget: $1,815,000 (includes $363,000 in missions giving)

View Proposed GBC Budget
View Proposed Missions Budget
3-year Snapshot of Jan-Nov Giving & Expenses

Church Officers

We’ll vote to affirm the calling of our Administrative Church Officers as described in our church constitution (see article 7 section 1b).

Candidates (click here to see pictures):

2022-2023 Church Clerk Minutes

We’ll approve the minutes for church business (membership approvals & removals, last year’s annual meeting items & voting results, etc.).

November 2022-October 2023 Clerk Minutes

Annual Business Meeting Vote Results

We had great participation in our Annual Business Meeting! 248 total ballots were cast, and all items were resoundingly affirmed. Results are as follows:

⧫ elder candidates - Tom Carr, Josh Kira, and Jon Wood - 96.9% average affirmation
⧫ deacon candidates - Dave Baits, Levi Duncan, Stephen Geyer, Chad & Jodi Jackson, Tim Marvin, Diane Mitchell, Luke Sheridan, Ellen Thompson, and Anna Zavodney - 98.9% average affirmation
⧫ church officers - Laurie Cook (Treasurer), Jodi Jackson (Church Clerk), Janelle Mazelin (Financial Secretary) - 99.7% average affirmation
⧫ approval of the November 2022-October 2023 Church Clerk minutes - 99.6% affirmation
⧫ approval of the 2024 Proposed Church Budget - 99.6% affirmation